

Share Engineering Information with other Companies

This manual demonstrates how to share your part information with another company. By “share” we mean that another company is able to import the part information from your common server. Shared information includes the part’s revision, language descriptions, BOM, NCR, and MFG drawings. It needs a separate task to accomplish drawing sharing. Usually “share” is from the mother company to its children companies. When the mother company makes change to the shared parts and drawings, the children companies will also received the changes.

In this manual you will see how the company “SERVA SOFTWARE LLC” exports the part “Z01-01-001” so that the company “2BIZBOX LLC” could import the part. Two functions are involved in this manual: “Engineering Sharing Control” in Engineering Box and “Scheduler Management” in Control Panel.

1. Add Engineering Sharing

1.1 Share by rule

Before exporting the part, SERVA SOFTWARE LLC creates an Engineering Sharing company for 2BBIZBOX LLC first. In “Engineering Box – Part Master – Engineering Sharing Control”, click “Add Engineering Sharing”:

The “Company ID” and “Company Name” doesn’t relate with the Address Book. Effective and expiry date means during which period you want to share the part. Then click “Add” to update Engineering Sharing:

Fill in required information. We provide three “Sharing Rules” to indicate which parts to share:

1. Part start letters (or numbers). E.g. by input “P” in the textbox means to share all parts start with “P”;
2. Click picker. In the pop up Pick Part Window, select parts you want to share.
3. Share parts in an Engineering Group. It requires enabling “Multi-Company Part” in control panel and setting up engineering group.

Click “Update” to finish setting sharing part and return to Engineering Sharing UI. Click “Sharing Parts under Rule” to see the shared parts:

1.2 Share manually

Also you can click “Sharing Parts Manually - 2Add” to add parts manually. This is the fourth method to add shared parts.
Select start part # and end part # in part list, click ‘2Add”. Check Parts you need, or check “Part #” to select all.
If you check “2Add from BOM”and select the BOM #, click “2Add”.You can add all parts under the BOM.
2. Add “Export Eng Share Part” Schedule Task
2BizBox realizes part sharing by scheduling timed exporting and importing tasks in “Scheduler Management”. In “Control Panel – Scheduler”, click “Schedule Management”:

This is a blank task list, so we click “Add” to add a new task:
Explanations on adding a task:
Task name, here we choose “export eng share part” through dropdown menu.
Automatically filled along with task name.
Time Range
Define the task time and frequency, e.g. we set “weekly, on Monday”.
Scheduler Run Time
Define when to run the task. Choose time “Hour” and “Min” and click “+” to add time.
Start Date & End Date
Task period, normally set the same as sharing period
Parameters Format
Default setting
This is the most important setting. First, click picker to open the parameters setting window. Choose Address ID added in Engineering Sharing and then set a path to export the part information. (See Image below)
Copy Email To/Report Exception To
Email address to send task reports
Send Notice
Choose users to send notice through 2BizBox
Retry Times/ Retry Interval (Minute)
If the task fails, how many times to retry the task and how many minutes to wait before the next try
Any comments you want to add to this task

After adding the required task information, click “2Add” and return to “Scheduler Management”. In this way, a scheduler task is created. 2BizBox will run the export task on setting time.

Till now, SERVA SOFTWARE LLC has finished setting for sharing the part “Z01-01-001”.

3. Add “Import Eng Share Part”
To get the sharing part information, 2BIZBOX LLC need to schedule a task to import the part. In “Schedule Management”, 2BIZBOX LLC adds a task “Import Eng Share Part”:

Fill in task information as showed in Step 2. Make sure the import time is a bit later than export time, so as to keep the latest updates. Also, import path should be same as export path in parameters setting.

Then click “Add” to create a new import task.

Till now, 2BIZBOX LLC is able to get part information from SERVA SOFTWARE on schedule.

4. Run Scheduler for Test
Click “detail” at the end of the task line, you can check the task detail information and test the task by clicking “Run Scheduler”:

First, SERVA SOFTWARE LLC runs the export task.

After system shows the operation is finished, go to check the export path and you will see the exported part information documents.

At the same time, a task notice will be sent out if you’ve set notice email and receiver.

Then, 2BIZBOX LLC runs the import task. Related email address and receiver will receive the task notice. After the operation is finished, we found that the part “Z01-01-001” appears in part list.

Click the Part #, a notice of Part import log will pop up:

Click “Detail” to “Review” or “Review All”:
You can review logs with the same part together:
Not only in part detail, this notice of new import log will appear in all orders related to the part, e.g. an open work order, sales order, purchase order, etc.

On Scheduler Management page, 2BizBox also allows you to search the scheduler task log. Set the searching period, task name and click “2Search Scheduler Task Log”:

The engineering staff must search this log regularly to make sure not missing any new imports information and review them on time.

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