

Build Your Personalized Home Page for 2BizBox ERP

After login into 2BizBox, the first thing you see must be the welcoming page with a huge 2BizBox logo and hyperlinks to introductions of the software. With this information, beginner users of 2BizBox can reach to the website quickly when operating the system.  

To return to this page, click “Company Home Page” button  at the top of the model tree in the right side of the system.

Actually this is a customized page. You can edit the content as you like by clicking “2Update” button in the lower-left corner of the home page

Pitch on any line on the edit interface, property and value of this subject become visible and editable.

 On the right side of the interface, you can edit the name, font and color of the text, or add images.

At the bottom of the interface, you can add hyperlinks to the display text, or document which was set in 2BizBox.

You may have noticed a function bar on top of the edit interface.

On the bar, we designed four subjects for you to design your home page. Drag these icons down to create a new subject. Pitch them to edit.

It allows you to add and edit text on the homepage, e.g. 2BizBox homepage is set by text. You can set the font and color of the text, or add hyperlink to it.

Add image on the homepage. You can replace the “computer icon” with image in your computer and set hyperlink to it.

Group: add a group of text message and it will be shown on all homepages.

Sub-homepage: Hyperlink to the next homepage. Yes! 2BizBox allows you to add multiple homepages if you have much information to display.

Finally let’s see a sample of homepage.

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