

CG Box Manual Part Two - Create CG User Account and Sales Catalog

1 Create CG User Account
First of all, our customer needs an account to connect our 2BizBox Server. Click “2Add CG User” under “Sales Box – Sales Order - CG”:

Input CG User information. Username and Password is used for login in CG Box, so we should keep it properly. We select  ”customer” as the CG User Type here as example.

Click “2Add” to add a CG User.

2 Add Sales Catalog for CG User.
After the CG User account is created, we need to set a special sales catalog for this CG User, because usually a customer only demands for parts of certain sorts, even if your company has more than 10000 parts. Please note that you must mark the part as “saleable” before you add it to customer catalog.

Find “Sales Catalog for Customer” under “Sales Box - Sales Order – CG”. Input the CG User Account Name we’ve just set, and click button “2Add CG Customer Part”.

Here we see the Sales Catalog update GUI. The bottom part of the GUI shows all saleable parts and the upper part of the GUI shows the sales catalog for CG User. Tick the parts for this CG User and click “2Add” to add the parts to the upper part of the GUI. Click “OK” to finish.

Considered about the large amount of parts, you can add parts by selecting part numbers. And we will release the new adding rules in recent 2BizBox ERP 3.6.

3 Login to CG Box
Now we’ve set the CG User account and sales catalog. Open the login website as follow:

Choose company name and language preference, input account name and password we set just now to login.  CG Box shows the sales catalog after login.

If you have parts with saleable drawings, it will show at the last column of the part property. You can change the Part DWG saleable status in the part property GUI. 

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