

How to Restrict User Access to Update Parts

Normally, a user with permission to update part means he can update all parts in the system. We received many enquiries on this issue, most of which on how to hold this permission, such as let a few users to update a certain part only. Users asked us about when we would add this function, or how much it costs for customized developing. But the truth is: this function has been there for a long time. It is called “Engineering Group User Permission”. In this article, you will read about how to use Engineering Group User Permission to create your private part. Does it sound like something?

1. Enable Engineering Group User Permission

The reason that you’ve never found this “Engineering Group User Permission” is you haven’t enabled it. In “Control Panel – General Setting – Company Setting”, check “Multi-Company Part” and “Use Eng Group User Permission”. Please note that only the first one is checked can you check the second one.

Then open Part Master homepage, you will find a new tag “Multi-Company Part Master”.

In this interface, you can see buttons of Eng Group and Eng Group User.

2. Search and Add Engineering Group

In 2BizBox, there is a default engineering group which is the current company. Click “2Search Eng Group” to see the existing Engineering Group.

This is the main Engineering group, under which you can add Sub Engineering Group. Select the Engineering Group Line, click “Add Sub Eng” and fill in Eng Group ID and Name in the popup window. Click “2Add” to finish.

Now you can see the Sub Engineering Group added.

3. Set Engineering Group for Parts.

After “Multi-Company Part Master” is checked, you can see the Eng Group Option when adding a new part.

Eng Group information also appears in Part Master Properties.

The default Eng Group of a part is the main Engineering Group SER001. To change the Eng Group, click picker to choose a new one.

Now the Eng Group of this part is changed.

Now let’s see how to allow certain parts to be updated by certain employees. Suppose we have 7 Parts as follow:

Since parts that start with P are being designed and tested, we would like to allow the Engineering Department to update them only. So we set the P Parts into the Engineering Group SER001.SER002 which we’ve created just now.

4. Add Engineering Group User.

We’ve set P parts for Engineering Group SER001.SER002, and there left the final step: add users into this group to allow these users to update parts in Group SER001.SER002.

First, click “2Search Eng Group User” to see the current status of group users.

This totally blank list tells us that not any user is in any Eng Group now, and that means no one can update any part because the part has its own Eng Group.

In this situation, if you try to update a part, you will see the failure notice.

Now let’s add the Eng Group User. Click “2Add Eng Group User”,

Choose Eng Group and Employee ID:

E.g. we choose employee Mike Bailey to Eng Group SER001.SER002 and click “2Update”:

Search Eng Group User again:

Now the employee Mike Bailey can update all parts in SER001.SER002 Engineering Group.

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