

CG Box Manual Part Four - Customer Service Request & Incident

CSR (Customer Service Request) is sent by CG User through online CG Box to 2BizBox to require service. CSI (Customer Service Incident) is created by 2BizBox User to response to CG User’s CSR.

1. Customer Service Request

1.1 Set CSR Email Address
First we need an email address to receive the request. In 2BizBox Control Panel – Company Settings, we set the email as:

Also we need to set the mail server.

Now CG User can send customer service requests.

1.2 Add a Customer Service Request
Suppose we’ve made a sales order S1200007 and the parts have arrived to customer. There are some problems with one part, so customer A025 decides to make a customer service request.
Click “Make Customer Service Request”, fill in all the required contents and submit.

A confirmation message shows the request is sent.

When a CSR is sent, it is saved in “My Customer Service Request”. Click to check:

After the CSR is sent through CG Box, the pre-set email will receive an email remind:

Pay attention to the address column:
This email is sent by address we set in mail server and sent to address we set as CSR email. Also the email is cc to the CSR requester. 

Now we can look up the CSR in 2BizBox. Under catalog “Sales Box – Sales Order – CG”:

Click “2Search Pending Customer Service Request” to find the new CSR.

The CSR detail is as follow. You can click “update” button to revise its status and other information.

At the same time, we can create a CSI (Customer Service Incident) to response this CSR in “Customer Service Box – Customer Service Incident”.

Click “2Add Incident” under “Customer Service Box – Customer Service Incident”:

Fill in the detail information according to the CSR:

 CSI Detail:

After the CSI is created, CG User can click “Customer Service Incident” to look up the CSI and check the CSR process.

The CSI can be related to CSR as follow:

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