

CG Box Manual Part Five - Equipment & Distrbutor Customer

After the sales order is shipped, we can add the sold part as the customer’s equipment so that the customer can easily look up it in CG Box.

Click “2Add Customer Equipment in CG”, input SO #, Item Number and quantity. The quantity must be less than the shipped quantity:

In update GUI, the Customer ID is automatically matched to the SO:

After the equipment is added, CG User A025 is able to look up this part in “my Equipment”:

2. Distributer CG User

Finally let take a look at the CG Box when set CG User as distributer. Basically it is the same as before when we set CG User as distributer, except the GUI. In Distributer CG User GUI:

As you see, instead of tree menu, Distributer CG User GUI is operated by 5 dropdown menus which are: Part, RFQ, Quote, SO and CSR. Compare with Customer CG User GUI, we remove the “My Equipment” function.
We list the dropdown menus of each function as follow.
Part: Search Parts.

RFQ: Need Quoted RFQ & Quoted RFQ.

Quote: Quotes Not Pasted Due.

SO: search SO.
CSR: Male CSR & Search CSR. 

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